Rainbow Cafe Clothing Closet & Community Clothing Drive (Community Outreach) Sister Gay Bitch Milkshake Clothing donations are currently being coordinated and picked up by Sr. Gay Bitch Milkshake for storage and distribution to the following organizations: Plus size clothing donations to Rainbow Cafe, Carbondale Warming Center, and Center for Empowerment and Justice.
LGBTQIA+ Visibility Days (Community Social Media Outreach) Sister Jewnita Hug Social media posts throughout the year recognizing various parts of the LGBTQ community (e.g. Intersex Awareness Day, Trans Parents Day, Harvey Milk Video, Pulse Memorial Video, etc.
Queer SOIL: An Oral History (Education - Ongoing) Sister Mothra Stewart This is a multi phase project consisting of chronicling the stories and experiences of long standing LGBTQ+ residents of Southern Illinois. This project is done in collaboration with Golden Rainbows of Illinois South (GRIS). Phase One (completed) involved developing and vetting waivers and protocols for interviews. Phase Two (Current and Ongoing) involves collecting and recording interviews. Phase Three (Forthcoming) of the project will involve sound editing, transcribing and publishing interviews.
Sister Marjorie Arcana Aromatics (Fundraising) Sister Marjorie Arcana To create and produce aromatic wax melts in various scents, colors, sizes to sell to create funds for the SOIL Sisters and subsequent organizations. Also included in the project is a vast variety of bedazzled wax melts affectionately called Glissys in the shape of the beloved sacred feminine portal of creation (we believe Sister Milkshake may have been the model for the silicone mold). A total of $420 was raised with the selling of the Glissys and wax melts along with other services provided during Southern lllnois Pride Festival #poundthebluepagina
Making us legal with the Government (House Articles of Incorporation and 501C3 Application) Sister Fagatha Hardness Creating a nonprofit legal corporation in the State of Illinois for the SOIL Sisters as as well as the filing of the 501c3 paperwork to the IRS to become a federally recognized charitable organization
All Tea with No Shade (Community Outreach) Sister Toggaf Yag Reeuq Collection and distribution of tea and blankets to the local Carbondale Warming Center as a part of celebrating their 21st birthday
Hats For Heads (Community Service) Sister Jewnita Hug & Sister Mothra Stewart
Crafting and distribution of 200+ hats to the Carbondale Warming Center and Survivor Empowerment Center.
Digital Spiritual Tarot Affirmations (Community Spiritual Outreach) Sister Marjorie Arcana
Weekly social media posts of spiritual tarot affirmations
SOIL Sisters Making It Hot (Food Ministry) Sister Jewnita Hug, Sister Marjorie Arcana
Providing food ministry in collaboration with Food Outreach in the St Louis Metropolitan Area.
House Logo Design and Development Sister Mothra Stewart
Working through several options, landing on the sacred corn heart currently in use. As part of this project, vinyl stickers of the logo were purchased and circulate as part of House swag.
PnP copyediting and formatting Sister Mothra Stewart
Layout, copyediting, and graphic design for the House Policy and Procedures.
Rainbow Variety Show (Community Outreach & Fundraising) Sister Mothra Stewart
In collaboration with Carrie Vine, Sandy Pensoneau-Conway, and Kim Needham of the Rainbow Cafe. Solicitation of local queer talent to perform in a variety show fund raiser that does not emphasize drag-performance (though it is welcome). Sr. Mothra Stewart was involved in planning and served as emcee. SOIL Sisters were listed as co-sponsor for the event. The event raised $1200 for the Rainbow Cafe on February 25, 2023.